DB Version Maintenance Release Notes

Release Date: 7/12/2010

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Maintenance Release with the release date of 7/12/2010.

Applicant List Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Accounts Payable Release Notes

Purchase Order Release Notes

Applicant List

Correction ID: APP000654

If you edited an applicant's SSN on the Maintain Applicants screen and NOT on the Applicant Details screen using the Edit Tenant SSN icon, the changes were not updating. This has been corrected and any SSN changes made on the Maintain Applicants screen will now take effect.

Correction ID: APP000674

When housing an applicant from the Applicant List program, the unit number into which the tenant was housed was incorrectly displayed in the Zip Code Before Admission field. This has been corrected and the zip code entered on the Main tab of the Applicant Detail screen is now displayed.

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Correction ID: ORC001378

The Action type drop- down list has been hidden/removed for all non-TRACS subsidy types on the Main tab of the Tenant Detail screen.

Correction ID: ORC001476

Form HUD 52670-A Part 3 was not printing in unit number order. This has been corrected.

Correction ID: ORC001492

The etrans error "the tenant sign date cannot be blank" was occurring during finalization of End of Participation certifications with the reasons of "Death." The error appeared because the tenant sign date field was not appearing or being entered on the Tenant Detail screen when the Death Date field was displayed/entered. This has been corrected.

Correction ID: ORC001538

After creating eTrans records, the "Alien Registration Number is invalid" error was sometimes occurring on field 3p because the A in front of the Alien Registration number was not being displayed. This has been corrected.

Correction ID: ORC001541

A MAT 40 record was incorrectly being created when New Admission Move-Ins were created. Since MAT 40s are only required when a unit transfer occurs, this has been corrected and MAT 40s are no longer created for New Admissions.

Correction ID: ORC001547

If users attempted to generate multiple form letters when processing certification steps, the error "No SQL statement available " occurred. This has been corrected.

Correction ID: ORC001548

Leap year birth dates (example: 02/29/1980) were saving incorrectly after entering them in the Add Household Member Wizard. After finishing the wizard, the birth date was being changed to March 1st (example: 03/01/1980). This has been corrected.

Accounts Payable

Enhancement ID: PBL000368

A Repeat Wizard checkbox has been added to the Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard. Checking this checkbox automatically starts the wizard again after clicking Finish to complete the wizard. This is helpful if you need to import more than invoice.

Correction ID: PBL000421

The stock number and PO number were displaying incorrectly in the Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard. This has been corrected.

Enhancement ID: PBL000424

You are now able to select and invoice the received items in a partially received purchase order. On the second step of the Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard, you are now able to view a vendor’s Partially Received Orders. This allows you to then invoice only the received items for the purchase order.

Purchase Order

Enhancement ID: SPO000267

You are now able to select and invoice the received items in a partially received purchase order. On the second step of the Import Invoices From Purchase Order Wizard, you are now able to view a vendor’s Partially Received Orders. This allows you to then invoice only the received items for the purchase order.

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An MRI Software Company